Design Ross 930
Sail Number  4903
Length overall  9.3m
Length waterline  8.46m
Beam  2.8m
Draft  1.89m
About the boat: Start Me Up is a Ross 930 designed by Murray Ross and built by Craddock. Start Me Up is based in Whangarei but regularly heads south to Auckland to race in SSANZ events. In the 2020 RNI Start Me Up will be skippered by Paul Parsonage & Neville Goldsbury who have been working hard to get the boat ready for the race. She’s recently had the mast out and everything replaced and there is plenty of other work underway to make sure Start Me Up is in go fast mode by raceday!
Home base Whangarei
Facebook Start Me Up Sailing



Name Neville Goldsbury
Age 56
Relationship to Co – Skipper Friend
Yacht Club SSANZ
Tell us a little about your sailing history/ background Been sailing since little and done a few miles since then.
What are your essential food items during the race? Bacon and Egg pie
What will your meals be like during the race? Military rations
What do you like most about the boat you are sailing on? It’s little and easy


Name Paul Parsonage
Age 50
Relationship to Co – Skipper Friend and a flatmate from the 90s
Are any of your family members doing  the 2020 RNI? Racing against Brother in law Nathan on Mr Kite
Yacht Club Whangarei Cruising Club and SSANZ
Tell us a little about your sailing history/ background Started off in P class and Lasers, built my own racing trimaran and have always sailed, of late with my wife two handed with a bit of solo racing thrown in.
What appeals most about doing the RNI The challenge of doing an internationally recognised race in a Ross 930 that multitasks as a family cruiser.
What do you like most about the boat you are sailing on? Ross 930s are the sexiest boat around.
Tell us about your biggest supporters My wife and children Alex and Jack are huge supporters of my racing. Wife hopes to do the next edition of the RNi with me.
What sound system do you have on board? What’s likely to be playing? The sounds I like to listen to are the ocean and the winds. Do you need anything else? It is sailing.