DesignFarr 11.6
Sail Number 4124
Length overall 11.6m
Length waterline 10.6m
Draft 2.07m
About the boat:Arbitare was sixth on elapsed time and fifth on corrected time in the #RNZ2019, a great result given the race definitely threw some challenges at these young chaps!

Sailed by Murray Hartley & Dave Ormandy, Arbitare is a Farr 11.6 designed by Bruce Farr. Arbitare is Wellington based and will do a double lap of the North Island between deliveries of the boat and doing the race!

Home baseWellington


NameMurray Hartley
Relationship to Co – SkipperI am the young one!
Have you done an RNI before?Yes – I did the last one on this boat!
Yacht ClubTitahi Bay and Mana yacht clubs
Tell us a little about your sailing history/ backgroundMy first boat holiday was 59 years ago on a Roydon Thomas puddle jumper that my dad built beside the house since then a few seasons of round the buoys, deliveries, a RNI and a RNZ, quite a lot of solo stuff as well!
What appeals most about doing the RNIIt’s a lot of fun and adventure.
What are your essential food items during the race?Not too fussy these days but breakfast at Maunganui.
What will your meals be like during the race?Half way through the last race Dave found out I could cook so this race we shall take turns preparing culinary delights ham and egg rolls but really we don’t fuss and our wives always make sure we have plenty of prepared meals.
What’s your favourite point of sail and why?Reaching, Arbitare really seems to go pretty well.
What do you like most about the boat you are sailing on?Hopefully this time I have stopped all the leaks so we shall stay dry and it’s a very safe boat to sail, we have done a few miles together.
Describe your skipper/co-skipper in 5 wordsCheerful, reliable, easy, safe, calm.
Tell us about the training and buildup that you have been doing for this race both on and off the water?Yep well boat getting a do over, mast is out, full rigging check, a new hatch etc, me I am gonna start at the gym next week!
Will you be taking any luxury items on the race? – If so, what is it and why?A newly plumbed toilet,  maybe a GoPro.
What’s your biggest fear when you think about the RNI?Not being ready
Who’s your biggest opposition and why?Coppelia and maybe the Stewart, most of the fleet are faster than us and it all depends on the weather.
Tell us about your biggest supportersMy wife and son Jacob.
What’s most exciting/challenging about this race for you?The finish line.
What sound system do you have on board? What’s likely to be playing?Dave and I don’t do music.
It’s the night before the big race – how do you get your head in the game?Dave and I will be onboard doing the weather thing, we will be going through his list (Dave is officer in charge of lists), having a quiet beer early night in respect of our finely tuned physical condition.


NameDave Ormandy
AgeOld enough to know better than to do the race again!
Relationship to Co – SkipperSailed together on the RNZ in 2019
Have you ever done the race before?Yes, on Rigmarole in 2017 with Ian Luxford. It was a huge amount of fun and it was during this race that I contracted a serious dose of the short handed sailing bug.
Yacht ClubSandspit Yacht Club
Tell us a little about your sailing history/ backgroundSailed forever, but nothing too serious. Winning the first leg of the 2017 RNI was a thrill, especially after all the challenges we had getting to the start line. During the last six years I have spent time sailing around the Pacific delivering yachts, when I have been able to negotiate a leave pass from my good wife.
What appeals most about doing the RNIThe outstanding sailing, the challenges, the camaraderie, and the satisfaction of crossing the finish line.
What are your essential food items during the race?Chocolate and more chocolate plus a few nuts!
What will your meals be like during the race?We ate really well on the RNZ thanks to the wonderful culinary skills of our spouses.
What do you like most about the boat you are sailing on?Arbitare sails really well and at the same time gives a level of security if the weather turns nasty.
Tell us about the training and buildup that you have been doing for this race both on and off the water?Have just continued the programme I had in place prior to the RNZ, which included swimming and a daily exercise programme. Getting to a reasonable level of fitness does all get a little more challenging as the years on the clock build.
Tell us about your biggest supportersI have a very understanding wife who tolerates my addiction to do these crazy things.