Evolution Sail RNI 2020 PHFR by Div

Div 1 Div

Sailed: 2, Discards: 0, To count: 2, Rating system: TCF, Entries: 7, Scoring system: Appendix A
1st28Div 1Mr KiteK16522Nathan WilliamsCraig Satterthwaite0.9652. 40
2nd9Div 1AnarchyK37001AJ ReidWill Reid0.9481.
3rd11Div 1BlinkK110011Tony WellsCraig Shearer0.9753. 12
4th39Div 1WiredK10303AngusRob Basset1.0995. 52
5th38Div 1Kia KahaK56718Chris HornellRebecca Gmr Hornell1.0614.
6th32Div 1Miss ScarletK11000Graeme WilsonWilliam Goodfellow1.0787.
7th6Div 1RelapseK8681Mark EdwardsAsh Edwards0.9366. 50

Div 2 Div

Sailed: 2, Discards: 0, To count: 2, Rating system: TCF, Entries: 10, Scoring system: Appendix A
1st25Div 2ClockworkK9635Steve MairJamie Logan0.911.
2nd19Div 2TitaniumK16567Shane bellinghamCasey Bellingham0.8982. 38
3rd16Div 2ActivatorK9189Andrew PeatRob Neeley0.8713. 45
4th37Div 2Laissez-faire llK8769Rodney KeenanMike Beasley0.8698. 47.7
5th20Div 2SerenaK28538Josh AdamsRyan Parkin0.8974. 38
6th29Div 2Higher GroundK6883Bruce CursonNick Olson0.8766. 10.66
7th5Div 2Urban CowboyK4750Mike GrantGarry Jolliffe0.8685. 40
8th18Div 2Satellite SpyK6162Matt KerrCraig Smith0.887. 40
9th27Div 2Krakatoa IIK155555Matt FlynnScott Wilson0.899. 40
10th21Div 2Deep ThrottleK9191Ned Dalbeth-HudsonNikolas Black0.89110. 9

Div 3 Div

Sailed: 2, Discards: 0, To count: 2, Rating system: TCF, Entries: 11, Scoring system: Appendix A
1st3Div 3Motorboat IIK641Damon JolliffeJosh Tucker0.8471. 10.5
2nd8Div 3WakaK8907Sam CremerBrett Elliott0.8142.
3rd2Div 3Gale ForceK8044Kenneth OrmandySam Tucker0.8356. 1050
4th23Div 3KickK8349Brendan SandsRichard Sands0.8384. 1050
5th33Div 3TruxtonK6563William HorneIain Gifford0.843.
6th31Div 3KatanaK36000Nigel GarlandGrant Wakefield0.8455. 36000
7th36Div 3SniperK8019Phil ClarkMax Hawkes0.8338. 1050
8th1Div 3The GuaranteeK8625Geoff HerdPhil Gurnsey0.8467. 1066
9th34Div 3Odyssey VK8296Garry ColemanNigel Sibun0.84710. 12
10th10Div 3AtamaiK9785Bryon WrightSimon Malpas0.859.012.0 RET21.021.0Beneteau First 44.7
11th7Div 3High VoltageK6962Victoria MurdochEmily Riley0.83112.0 DNF10.022.022.0Elliott 1050

Div 4 Div

Sailed: 2, Discards: 0, To count: 2, Rating system: TCF, Entries: 10, Scoring system: Appendix A
1st26Div 4Moving ViolationK8054Ben BeasleyNick Gardiner0.7192. 7.9
2nd17Div 4C U LaterK8586Logan FraserNicolas Henry0.7641. 8
3rd35Div 4CoppeliaK4522Rob CroftSally Garrett0.7943. 11.6
4th30Div 4ArbitareK4124Murray HartleyDave Ormandy0.7885. 11.6
5th24Div 4Am MeerK8843Geoff ThornKatie Mathison0.72810. 38
6th14Div 4Fifth DimensionK8272Yuri SchokkingRichard Borrell0.787. First 36.7
7th15Div 4Start Me UpK4903Paul ParsonageNeville Goldsbury0.7434. 930
8th22Div 4DistractionK6015Guy ManneringMatt Perry0.7366. 1020
9th4Div 4Duty FreeK6697Andrew MackmurdieJennifer Haliday0.7868. 1220
10th12Div 4Pelagian IIK5014Kurt BoyleMatt Burkhardt0.7499. 34

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Evolution Sail RNI 2020 PHRF Overall


Sailed: 2, Discards: 0, To count: 2, Rating system: TCF, Entries: 38, Scoring system: Appendix A
1st25Div 2ClockworkK9635Steve MairJamie Logan0.911.
2nd9Div 1AnarchyK37001AJ ReidWill Reid0.9482.
3rd28Div 1Mr KiteK16522Nathan WilliamsCraig Satterthwaite0.9657. 40
4th3Div 3Motorboat IIK641Damon JolliffeJosh Tucker0.8473. 10.5
5th19Div 2TitaniumK16567Shane bellinghamCasey Bellingham0.8985. 38
6th16Div 2ActivatorK9189Andrew PeatRob Neeley0.8719. 45
7th8Div 3WakaK8907Sam CremerBrett Elliott0.8144.
8th17Div 4C U LaterK8586Logan FraserNicolas Henry0.7646. 8
9th37Div 2Laissez-faire llK8769Rodney KeenanMike Beasley0.86920. 47.7
10th11Div 1BlinkK110011Tony WellsCraig Shearer0.97514. 12
11th20Div 2SerenaK28538Josh AdamsRyan Parkin0.89713. 38
12th29Div 2Higher GroundK6883Bruce CursonNick Olson0.87616. 10.66
13th26Div 4Moving ViolationK8054Ben BeasleyNick Gardiner0.71910. 7.9
14th38Div 1Kia KahaK56718Chris HornellRebecca Gmr Hornell1.06118.
15th35Div 4CoppeliaK4522Rob CroftSally Garrett0.79411. 11.6
16th39Div 1WiredK10303AngusRob Basset1.09922. 52
17th23Div 3KickK8349Brendan SandsRichard Sands0.83812. 1050
18th5Div 2Urban CowboyK4750Mike GrantGarry Jolliffe0.86815. 40
19th18Div 2Satellite SpyK6162Matt KerrCraig Smith0.8817. 40
20th33Div 3TruxtonK6563William HorneIain Gifford0.848.
21st2Div 3Gale ForceK8044Kenneth OrmandySam Tucker0.83523. 1050
22nd32Div 1Miss ScarletK11000Graeme WilsonWilliam Goodfellow1.07827.
23rd31Div 3KatanaK36000Nigel GarlandGrant Wakefield0.84519. 36000
24th30Div 4ArbitareK4124Murray HartleyDave Ormandy0.78826. 11.6
25th14Div 4Fifth DimensionK8272Yuri SchokkingRichard Borrell0.7830. First 36.7
26th1Div 3The GuaranteeK8625Geoff HerdPhil Gurnsey0.84624. 1066
27th6Div 1RelapseK8681Mark EdwardsAsh Edwards0.93625. 50
28th27Div 2Krakatoa IIK155555Matt FlynnScott Wilson0.8928. 40
29th24Div 4Am MeerK8843Geoff ThornKatie Mathison0.72837. 38
30th15Div 4Start Me UpK4903Paul ParsonageNeville Goldsbury0.74321. 930
31st4Div 4Duty FreeK6697Andrew MackmurdieJennifer Haliday0.78631. 1220
32nd36Div 3SniperK8019Phil ClarkMax Hawkes0.83334. 1050
33rd22Div 4DistractionK6015Guy ManneringMatt Perry0.73629. 1020
34th12Div 4Pelagian IIK5014Kurt BoyleMatt Burkhardt0.74932. 34
35th21Div 2Deep ThrottleK9191Ned Dalbeth-HudsonNikolas Black0.89133. 9
36th34Div 3Odyssey VK8296Garry ColemanNigel Sibun0.84736. 12
37th10Div 3AtamaiK9785Bryon WrightSimon Malpas0.8535.039.0 RET74.074.0Beneteau First 44.7
38th7Div 3High VoltageK6962Victoria MurdochEmily Riley0.83139.0 DNF37.076.076.0Elliott 1050

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Evolution Sail RNI 2020 LINE by Div

Div 1 Div

Sailed: 2, Discards: 0, To count: 2, Entries: 7, Scoring system: Appendix A
1st39Div 1WiredK10303AngusRob Basset1.0991. 52
2nd32Div 1Miss ScarletK11000Graeme WilsonWilliam Goodfellow1.0783.
3rd38Div 1Kia KahaK56718Chris HornellRebecca Gmr Hornell1.0612.
4th28Div 1Mr KiteK16522Nathan WilliamsCraig Satterthwaite0.9655. 40
5th9Div 1AnarchyK37001AJ ReidWill Reid0.9484.
6th11Div 1BlinkK110011Tony WellsCraig Shearer0.9756. 12
7th6Div 1RelapseK8681Mark EdwardsAsh Edwards0.9367. 50

Div 2 Div

Sailed: 2, Discards: 0, To count: 2, Entries: 10, Scoring system: Appendix A
1st25Div 2ClockworkK9635Steve MairJamie Logan0.911.
2nd19Div 2TitaniumK16567Shane bellinghamCasey Bellingham0.8982. 38
3rd20Div 2SerenaK28538Josh AdamsRyan Parkin0.8973. 38
4th16Div 2ActivatorK9189Andrew PeatRob Neeley0.8714. 45
5th37Div 2Laissez-faire llK8769Rodney KeenanMike Beasley0.8698. 47.7
6th29Div 2Higher GroundK6883Bruce CursonNick Olson0.8766. 10.66
7th18Div 2Satellite SpyK6162Matt KerrCraig Smith0.885. 40
8th5Div 2Urban CowboyK4750Mike GrantGarry Jolliffe0.8687. 40
9th27Div 2Krakatoa IIK155555Matt FlynnScott Wilson0.899. 40
10th21Div 2Deep ThrottleK9191Ned Dalbeth-HudsonNikolas Black0.89110. 9

Div 3 Div

Sailed: 2, Discards: 0, To count: 2, Entries: 11, Scoring system: Appendix A
1st3Div 3Motorboat IIK641Damon JolliffeJosh Tucker0.8471. 10.5
2nd23Div 3KickK8349Brendan SandsRichard Sands0.8384. 1050
3rd8Div 3WakaK8907Sam CremerBrett Elliott0.8143.
4th2Div 3Gale ForceK8044Kenneth OrmandySam Tucker0.8357. 1050
5th33Div 3TruxtonK6563William HorneIain Gifford0.842.
6th31Div 3KatanaK36000Nigel GarlandGrant Wakefield0.8455. 36000
7th1Div 3The GuaranteeK8625Geoff HerdPhil Gurnsey0.8466. 1066
8th36Div 3SniperK8019Phil ClarkMax Hawkes0.8339. 1050
9th34Div 3Odyssey VK8296Garry ColemanNigel Sibun0.84710. 12
10th10Div 3AtamaiK9785Bryon WrightSimon Malpas0.858.012.0 RET20.020.0Beneteau First 44.7
11th7Div 3High VoltageK6962Victoria MurdochEmily Riley0.83112.0 DNF10.022.022.0Elliott 1050

Div 4 Div

Sailed: 2, Discards: 0, To count: 2, Entries: 10, Scoring system: Appendix A
1st17Div 4C U LaterK8586Logan FraserNicolas Henry0.7642. 8
2nd35Div 4CoppeliaK4522Rob CroftSally Garrett0.7941. 11.6
3rd30Div 4ArbitareK4124Murray HartleyDave Ormandy0.7883. 11.6
4th26Div 4Moving ViolationK8054Ben BeasleyNick Gardiner0.7195. 7.9
5th4Div 4Duty FreeK6697Andrew MackmurdieJennifer Haliday0.7864. 1220
6th14Div 4Fifth DimensionK8272Yuri SchokkingRichard Borrell0.786. First 36.7
7th12Div 4Pelagian IIK5014Kurt BoyleMatt Burkhardt0.7498. 34
8th24Div 4Am MeerK8843Geoff ThornKatie Mathison0.72810. 38
9th15Div 4Start Me UpK4903Paul ParsonageNeville Goldsbury0.7437. 930
10th22Div 4DistractionK6015Guy ManneringMatt Perry0.7369. 1020

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Evolution Sail RNI 2020 Line Overall


Sailed: 2, Discards: 0, To count: 2, Entries: 38, Scoring system: Appendix A
1st39Div 1WiredK10303AngusRob Basset1.0991. 52
2nd32Div 1Miss ScarletK11000Graeme WilsonWilliam Goodfellow1.0783.
3rd38Div 1Kia KahaK56718Chris HornellRebecca Gmr Hornell1.0612.
4th28Div 1Mr KiteK16522Nathan WilliamsCraig Satterthwaite0.9655. 40
5th9Div 1AnarchyK37001AJ ReidWill Reid0.9484.
6th11Div 1BlinkK110011Tony WellsCraig Shearer0.9756. 12
7th25Div 2ClockworkK9635Steve MairJamie Logan0.917.
8th19Div 2TitaniumK16567Shane bellinghamCasey Bellingham0.8988. 38
9th20Div 2SerenaK28538Josh AdamsRyan Parkin0.89710. 38
10th3Div 3Motorboat IIK641Damon JolliffeJosh Tucker0.84711. 10.5
11th16Div 2ActivatorK9189Andrew PeatRob Neeley0.87112. 45
12th29Div 2Higher GroundK6883Bruce CursonNick Olson0.87614. 10.66
13th37Div 2Laissez-faire llK8769Rodney KeenanMike Beasley0.86917. 47.7
14th6Div 1RelapseK8681Mark EdwardsAsh Edwards0.9369. 50
15th18Div 2Satellite SpyK6162Matt KerrCraig Smith0.8813. 40
16th5Div 2Urban CowboyK4750Mike GrantGarry Jolliffe0.86815. 40
17th27Div 2Krakatoa IIK155555Matt FlynnScott Wilson0.8919. 40
18th8Div 3WakaK8907Sam CremerBrett Elliott0.81418.
19th23Div 3KickK8349Brendan SandsRichard Sands0.83820. 1050
20th2Div 3Gale ForceK8044Kenneth OrmandySam Tucker0.83524. 1050
21st33Div 3TruxtonK6563William HorneIain Gifford0.8416.
22nd31Div 3KatanaK36000Nigel GarlandGrant Wakefield0.84521. 36000
23rd17Div 4C U LaterK8586Logan FraserNicolas Henry0.76426. 8
24th21Div 2Deep ThrottleK9191Ned Dalbeth-HudsonNikolas Black0.89123. 9
25th35Div 4CoppeliaK4522Rob CroftSally Garrett0.79425. 11.6
26th36Div 3SniperK8019Phil ClarkMax Hawkes0.83328. 1050
27th1Div 3The GuaranteeK8625Geoff HerdPhil Gurnsey0.84622. 1066
28th30Div 4ArbitareK4124Murray HartleyDave Ormandy0.78829. 11.6
29th26Div 4Moving ViolationK8054Ben BeasleyNick Gardiner0.71932. 7.9
30th14Div 4Fifth DimensionK8272Yuri SchokkingRichard Borrell0.7833. First 36.7
31st34Div 3Odyssey VK8296Garry ColemanNigel Sibun0.84730. 12
32nd4Div 4Duty FreeK6697Andrew MackmurdieJennifer Haliday0.78631. 1220
33rd10Div 3AtamaiK9785Bryon WrightSimon Malpas0.8527.039.0 RET66.066.0Beneteau First 44.7
34th12Div 4Pelagian IIK5014Kurt BoyleMatt Burkhardt0.74935. 34
35th24Div 4Am MeerK8843Geoff ThornKatie Mathison0.72837. 38
36th15Div 4Start Me UpK4903Paul ParsonageNeville Goldsbury0.74334. 930
37th22Div 4DistractionK6015Guy ManneringMatt Perry0.73636. 1020
38th7Div 3High VoltageK6962Victoria MurdochEmily Riley0.83139.0 DNF35.074.074.0Elliott 1050

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